By physicians who have been trained in
the most comprehensive medical education on earth,
whose goal is to restore and maintain health,
and whose highest professional allegiance
is to our patients.
COVID VACCINE Considerations
alphabetically by topic
A to H
Adrenal health, Ann Lovick, NMD
Colon health, William Nelson, NMD
Diabetes, from victim to victor, Mona Morstein, ND, DHANP
Feeling great, Editorial
Food and Your DNA, Cheryl Deroin, NMD
Homeopathy, Valeria Breiten, NMD
I to N
Insurance companies vs right to choose, Editorial
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Katie Stage, ND
Joint pain: do you have it?, Paul Stallone, NMD
Masks are neither effective nor safe, Colleen Huber, NMD
Menopause, the attainment of value over time, Cheryl Hamilton, NMD
Naturopathic Medicine, Thomas A. Kruzel, ND
Naturopathic Physicians, Andrew L. Rubman, ND
Neurology, Emily Kane, ND
O to Z
Primary care medicine - in a naturopathic clinic, Jared L. Zeff, ND
Prostate disease: malignant or benign?, Kenneth J. Lashutka, NMD
Public health: Lockdowns?, by Colleen Huber, NMD
Science-based medicine, Editorial
Thyroid, Andrew Dickens, NMD
Whole body medicine, Bonnie Wick, NMD
Popular Medications Damage The Brain
May 14, 2016
Researchers at Indiana University examined structure and metabolism in the brain of individuals with an average age of 73. Of the 451 people studied, those taking anticholinergic drugs were found to have smaller brains and lower activity in the hippocampus, which is involved with memory. Early stage Alzheimers patients showed the same kind of changes.
The drugs involved are quite common and include:
Tylenol PM
These drugs block acetylcholine, which enables electrical impulses to flow between nerve cells.
The worst affected functions were short-term memory, planning, verbal reasoning and problem-solving. The researchers warned that these drugs could worsen or even cause Alzheimers Disease.
Exercise vs Sedentary Living
April 9, 2016
A multitude of exercise benefits, and conversely multiple risks of not exercising, should be no surprise. The farther you look back in human history the more intensely physical was the daily life of earlier humans. Now that we have the most sedentary lives, we have the most chronic disease. Yet somehow, that common knowledge has not yet produced very widespread vigorous activity in highly industrialized societies.
A report released this week by Voices for Healthy Kids, funded by the American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, found that many schools skimp on physical education. Only Oregon and Washington, DC meet the federal recommendations for physical education for students: 150 minutes per week in elementary school, and 225 minutes per week for older students. Only 19 states require any fixed amount of time at all for elementary school kids, and just 15 states have such a requirement for junior high school students.
University of Leicester researchers announced the results of a national health survey of adults in England. Those who spent a lot of time sitting and also got regular exercise had lower heart disease and diabetes risk factors than those who sat a lot and did not get any exercise. Those who sat for very long times had the worst health outcomes.
The researchers also found that the less time spent sitting, the higher were the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.
Naturopathic physician Jill Stansbury, ND explains how essential motion is to the lymphatic circulation: “Motion of the arms, legs, head and trunk serves to massage the lymph nodes and channels. If a person is sedentary or if the amount of interstitial fluids and wastes to filter is great, the lymphatic system may become burdened, backed up and unable to clear fluid from the tissues.”
Thomas Edison famously said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame. . . .” Perhaps “exercise” should be written on the prescription pad.
France leads EU push to ban Monsanto's Roundup
March 8, 2016
Ahead of the Tuesday, March 8 vote in the EU to re-license glyphosate-containing herbicides for the next 15 years, two opposing sides are coming to the fore.
In favor of re-licensing, Monsanto defends its flagship herbicide Roundup, by far the most widely used of the glyphosate-containing herbicides. 130 million tons of glyphosate are used per year worldwide. It is the most widely-known ingredient in Roundup and other common herbicides. However, an interesting twist reveals that it is not the most toxic ingredient in Roundup.
Monsanto has been sued for fraudulent statements on its safety claims for glyphosate-containing products. Monsanto has also been faulted for alleging that glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, where it is not. Monsanto also alleged that the other ingredients of Roundup were inert, and they are not. Yet Monsanto only tests glyphosate in rats, then says: ‘See the rats are fine.’ Even regulatory authorities have not done even one blood test on Roundup.
On Friday, March 4, 2016, France’s Minister of Ecology Ségolène Royal announced that France will vote against re-licensing of glyphosate.
Also, on Friday, March 4, 2016, EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis has committed to “working with the member states to draw up a list of co-formulants in pesticides that could pose a health risk.”
February 9, 2016: The Portuguese Medical Association President José Manuel Silva calls for a global ban on the use of glyphosate-containing herbicides.
March 2015: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organizaation (WHO) announced that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen,” citing studies showing association with non-Hodgkins lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
Time Discovers Naturopathic Cardiology, Calls It 'New Science'
February 8, 2016
Time Magazine in "The New Rules of the Heart" Feb 8, 2016, pronounces basic principles of naturopathic cardiology, known and practiced for at least decades, as "new science."
"New" discoveries made by authors Alice Park and Jeffrey Kluger are listed below. After each, we give references from literature of several years ago and older. Choose Your Foods Like Your Life Depends On Them, a 2007 book by Colleen Huber, NMD, a Tempe, AZ naturopathic physician, covers most of the concepts described as new in the article.
Dr. Huber says, "I cannot take any personal credit for these ideas. They were known and written about by numerous naturopathic physicians before me, as well as other writers."
These include Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions, science writer Gary Taubes, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, Stephen Sinatra MD and others.
Time has "discovered" the following:
(1) "Full-fat dairy has a place in a healthy diet, science has shown, as do modest amounts of red meat. And in moderation, both appear to be better than the refined carbohydrates that filled the American diet when the low-fat message took hold."
In Dr. Huber's book, she discusses this concept at length throughout many chapters. However, the much more widely known and frequently cited 2002 article by Gary Taubes, "What if It's All Been a Big, Fat Lie?" established the science behind this to a much larger audience.
(2) "If you haven't already had a heart attack, [taking a baby aspirin everyday] is not advised."
Dr. Huber referred to the problems with aspirin and the similar but more beneficial effects of Vitamin E for cardiovascular health in her 2007 book, with many earlier and later writers discussing the same at much greater length.
(3) "It was premature to damn cholesterol altogether."
Robert Waters, PhD and Dr. Huber co-authored a 2015 paper, "Cholesterol and Diet in Cancer Survivors," showing that cancer patients with higher cholesterol have significantly better outcomes than those with lower cholesterol. Uffe Ravnskov wrote more extensively about the necessity of serum cholesterol as well as dietary cholesterol in The Cholesterol Myths in 2000.
(4) "Statins are not for everyone." and "Scientists are learning that not everyone who qualifies for a statin drug needs one."
Legions of writers have explained problems of statin drugs, perhaps most notably Stephen Sinatra in The Great Cholesterol Myth.
If the mass media were to look into naturopathic medicine, it begs the question: what other new discoveries could they make?